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Development Grants for the Indigenous Component of HeLTI

The CIHR Roadmap Accelerator Fund (RAF), under the scientific leadership of the Institute of Indigenous Peoples’ Health, and in collaboration with the Institute of Aging, the Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health, the Institute of Gender and Health, and the Institute of Population and Public Health

Important Dates:

Competition 201908IHL
Application Deadline 2019-08-29
Anticipated Notice of Decision 2019-11-28
Funding Start Date 2019-11-01

You can find all the information here: https://www.researchnet-recherchenet.ca/rnr16/vwOpprtntyDtls.do?prog=2981&view=currentOpps&org=CIHR&type=EXACT&resultCount=25&sort=program&all=1&masterList=true

Note: This funding opportunity seeks applicants who self-identify as Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit or Métis) or provide evidence of having meaningful and culturally-safe involvement with Indigenous Peoples in order to:

  • Prioritize First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples and communities in leading their research agendas;
  • Promote cultural safety of and appropriate engagements by researchers working with Indigenous Peoples in meaningful ways to ensure that respectful relations* are established;
  • Add value to the research through the use of Indigenous culturally relevant theoretical and conceptual frameworks, and Indigenous culturally appropriate research protocols, including Indigenous methodologies; and
  • Promote equity and development of trainees, researchers and knowledge users who are of Indigenous ancestry.