Early Bird Deadline: Monday, April 24 at 11:59pm EST.

The program will focus on environmental effects on parents and offspring, with a particular focus on environmental toxicants, diet/nutrition, and early life environment.
The program will include Keynote addresse by Amanda Kentner (Director of the ENRICHED Neurodevelopmental Brain & Behavior Laboratory at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences).
The day will also feature a “DOHaD Advocacy in Canada” workshop, a joint-poster session with CNPRM, and a 3-minute 'slam your science' event for trainee presentations.

The registration and abstract submission portal is now OPEN! (Click here)

Submit your abstract NOW  
Submission deadline:  Friday, March 3rd, 2023

Register NOW

For more information please contact the 2023 DOHaD Canada conference co-chairs, Dr. Tara Perrot (tara.perrot@dal.ca) or Dr. Jennifer Khoury (jennifer.khoury@msvu.ca).

International Women’s Day Celebration showcasing Women in DOHaD!


 March 8th  (1:00 GMT London, UK Thursday 9th).  Zoom info TBC.

Shiao Yng Chan


9:00 CST, Thurs 9th

Rahat Quresh


6:00 PKT, Thurs 9th

Cristiane Matté

Porto Alegre, Brazil

22:00 GMT-3, Wed 8th

Fabiola Suano

São Paulo, Brazil

22:00 GMT-3, Wed 8th

Maria Ospina

Ontario, Canada

20:00 EST, Wed 8th

Click here to JOIN DOHaD Canada


The Canadian DOHaD Society is a globally connected network focused on creating, communicating and translating the latest knowledge on early development to improve the health and well-being of Canadians today and into the future and promote the importance of maternal health and well-being on a global platform.
JOIN the DOHaD Canada network
DOHaD Canada was proud to support two trainees: Derrick SSewanyana (UofT) and Claudia Holody (U of Alberta)
on their abstract submitted to DOHaD 2022 in Vancouver.

The abstracts were selected for DOHaD Canada Travel Awards based on reviewer scores.

Timothy Regnault, Claudia Holody, Steve Matthews, Derrick SSewanyana, Maria B. Ospina

Through our partnership with Empowering Next-generation Researchers In Perinatal and Child Health (ENRICH - https://enrichyourscience.ca), we wish to let you know about an exciting opportunity being offered by ENRICH. ENRICH has a number of salary awards available for Black or Indigenous Doctoral or Masters (thesis based) students, conducting research in perinatal and child health & well-being.
Details can be found here, under the SOAR tab https://enrichyourscience.ca/enrichment-program-awards/.

Strategic Priorities

Our Society engages in social, biological, clinical and economic research focusing on:

1. How environmental factors during the early life (preconception-childhood) interact with development to place individuals on trajectories that impact life-long health, learning and social function.

2. Development of strategies that prevent or reverse negative life-course outcomes, promoting health and wellness and allowing all Canadians to attain their full potential.


Engage in world class, discovery-based research

Our national network includes national and internationally recognized researchers from clinical practice, academia, industry, and government sectors many of whom are already engaged in extensive international collaborations and partnerships.


Delivering high quality, transdisciplinary training and career development.

Recognizing that trainees are our future, our network is committed to creating the best transdisciplinary training environment promoting academic excellence and supporting tomorrow’s research leaders and policy makers.


Promote health and wellness for all Canadians

Knowledge exchange and engagement with government, policy makers and the public is at the core of our mission. Through partnership with these stakeholders, we will raise the profile of DOHaD research; develop, test and implement interventions based on research discovery; and act as a catalyst for promotion of health, learning and social function with a focus on Canada’s most vulnerable populations.