Message From the Co-Presidents
Welcome to DOHaD Canada!
As co-presidents, we are delighted to welcome you to our society’s website. At DOHaD Canada, we are a vibrant community of world-class researchers and committed trainees exploring every aspect of early life and its long-term impacts. Our multidisciplinary community unites researchers, clinicians, policymakers, and advocates who share a passion for understanding how parental, fetal, and childhood experiences influence health outcomes throughout life.
DOHaD Canada’s collective efforts focus on enhancing health and wellbeing for both current and future generations. We work diligently to fulfill the mission and vision of DOHaD Canada, striving for a healthier future through four key priorities:
- Advancing Innovative Research: We promote collaborative, transdisciplinary approaches to understand the determinants of early-life health, from molecules to society, integrating fundamental, clinical and social sciences to enhance translational impact.
- Empowering Trainees and Researchers: We work to offer mentorship and resources to develop transdisciplinary skills, while enhancing equity and diversity to broaden perspectives and encourage a culture of innovation and shared success.
- Mobilizing Knowledge for Change: We seek to engage with policymakers, healthcare providers, and the public to co-design research and knowledge mobilzation strategies, advocating for policies that address early life health determinants.
- Building Inclusive Partnerships: We are deeply committed to making a positive impact locally, nationally, and internationally. Through collaborations with colleagues, communities and organizations around the world, we seek to amplify our reach and effectiveness.
As a proud regional society of the International DOHaD Society, we are at the forefront of global initiatives that translate groundbreaking research into meaningful health outcomes.
Whether you’re a researcher, healthcare professional, educator, policymaker, or just curious about how early experiences influence lifelong health, DOHaD Canada offers a community where your ideas and contributions are valued.
We invite you to explore our website, engage with our community, and join us in our mission to promote a healthier world by advancing our strategic goals of excellence in research, training, education, translation, and advocacy. Together, we can transform our efforts into initiatives that enhance health outcomes across generations.
Warm regards,
Kristin Connor & Tim Regnault
Co-Presidents, DOHaD Canada

Kristin Connor, PhD
Associate Professor of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease in the Department of Health Sciences at Carleton University