
Collaborative Publication Opportunity

Guest Editor Dr. Elena Zambrano and Co-Editor Dr. Cristiane Matte are leading a new Special Issue on “Critical periods of development in the DOHaD framework” in Archives of Medical Research (IF-4.7), and inviting you to submit a paper to this Special Issue.

Manuscripts may be submitted until 31 October 2025.

To show your interest in publishing in this special edition, please send the following information as soon as possible (the special edition will be confirmed by the journal once we have at least 15 articles):

  • Manuscript title
  • Authors
  • Email contact
  • Description of the manuscript

For more information, click the button below:

Seeking Fathers and Non-Birthing Parents for an Online Survey
Non-Birthing Parent with Infant

A team of researchers from IWK Health are seeking fathers and non-birthing parents to complete an online survey. They are interested to learn about how fathers and non-birthing parents in Canada experience the first 12 months after their infant’s birth. For more information and to determine eligibility, please visit:

Father with Infant
The DOSAGE Study is Seeking Collaborators and Funders

The Dose of Supine Sleep Affects Fetal Growth and Exposure-Response (DOSAGE) Study is approaching its launch!

Researchers are looking for collaborators and potential funders for this study. Please contact Allan Kember ( by email for more information.

New study examines stress in pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic

This study has been approved by the University of Calgary Conjoint Health Ethics Board.

Participants must live in Canada and be able to respond in English.

DOHaD Canada is very proud to partner with ENRICH (Empowering Next-generation Researchers In Perinatal and Child Health), one of the recently successful new CIHR Health Research Training Platforms (HRTP) announced recently.

Official partnership letter here.