DOHaD Canada Logo

Welcome to DOHaD Canada!

International Society for Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD)

At DOHaD Canada, we are committed to advancing the understanding of how early-life environmental factors influence health and disease throughout the lifespan. Our work focuses on the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD), emphasizing research, education, and policy initiatives that have a profound impact on local, national, and international communities.

As a regional society of the International DOHaD Society, we collaborate with a global network of researchers, healthcare professionals, and policymakers. Together, we strive to translate cutting-edge scientific discoveries into practical solutions that promote lifelong health and well-being.

Join us in our mission to shape a healthier future for generations to come.

Abstract Submission for the 13th DOHaD World Congress

DOHaD 13th World Congress

The congress will be held in Buenos Aires, September 7-10th, and it promises to bring together leading experts from around the world to discuss the latest advancements in the field of DOHaD. It will be an excellent opportunity for networking, knowledge sharing, and collaboration with peers and thought leaders.

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 18th

8th DOHaD Canada Annual Scientific Meeting
Meeting Details

Date: May 12 & 13, 2025
Location: Le Centre Sheraton Montreal Hotel in Montreal

Call for EDII Committee Members for DOHaD Canada Society

To check eligibility and submit your application, click the button below:

Strategic Priorities 

DOHaD Canada is dedicated to advancing the understanding of how environmental factors during early life-from preconception to childhood-interact with development to influence lifelong health, learning, and social function. Our strategic priorities focus on three key areas:


Engage in world class, discovery-based research

Our national network comprises nationally and internationally recognized researchers from clinical practice, academia, industry, and government sectors. Many are engaged in extensive international collaborations and partnerships. We are committed to fostering cutting-edge research to understand the mechanisms underlying the developmental origins of health and disease, identify biomarkers of risk, and develop preventative interventions. By promoting excellence in research, we aim to generate new knowledge that can lead to innovative strategies for improving health outcomes.

Training and Education

Deliver high-quality, transdisciplinary training, career development and public education

Deliver high-quality, transdisciplinary training and career development. Recognizing that trainees are our future, we are committed to creating an environment that fosters academic excellence and empowers emerging research leaders to drive DOHaD innovation. By representing and connecting with DOHaD Canada trainees, we offer robust professional development opportunities that equip them with the skills to excel in research, communication, and advocacy. Equally important, we emphasize educating the general population to heighten awareness and strengthen collective efforts in championing early-life health. By bringing researchers and communities together, we aim to nurture a generation of scientists and informed citizens who collaborate to translate DOHaD principles into impactful policies and practice, ensuring a healthier future for all.

Translation and Advocacy

Promote health and wellness for all Canadians

We are dedicated to promoting health and wellness for all Canadians by engaging policymakers, healthcare providers, and the public in co-designing research and knowledge mobilization strategies that foster inclusive, evidence-based decision-making. With a strong emphasis on translating bench science into clinical practice and policy, we raise the profile of DOHaD research; develop, test, and implement interventions rooted in scientific discovery; and act as a catalyst for advancing health, learning, and social function. By translating research into actionable strategies, we work towards preventing or reversing negative life-course outcomes, thereby allowing all Canadians to attain their full potential.

Join DOHaD Canada

The Canadian DOHaD Society is a globally connected network focused on creating, communicating and translating the latest knowledge on early development to improve the health and well-being of Canadians today and into the future and promote the importance of maternal health and well-being on a global platform.